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Nenusigąsk ir nenusimink! Nes su tavim bus Viešpats, tavo Dievas, kur tik eisi. [Joz 1,9]

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Anonimiškas rašė...

Jo cia geras, pas mane dabar yra- busy over "Jesus" too much. and not carring about family and its relation.

I think Satan is using Jesus name quite nicely :) Keep them busy with Jesus,

family is nothing. its just a fight between brothers or sisters its OK - Jesus you should look at Jesus jesus ..... forget your brother Jesusssss Jesus will help you, jesussss. forget your sister. jesus jesus will surely help you you fighting with your sister or brother and you blame her because she/he is soo, wrong, wrong, You are the holy one Looking at JESUS, you soo holy Jesus hallelujah, yes destroying relationship with the one who shows you love and care and tenderness because he really likes you and cares for you.
But you are soo busy with Jesus you don't care about others... Jesus

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